The first mention of ‘cloud computing’ is often attributed to then Google CEO Eric Schmidt who introduced the term to an industry conference in 2006. Since then the term has become very much mainstream. It’s unusual nowadays if you are not using ‘the cloud’ for at least some of your IT.
Back in 2015 we wrote an article entitled ‘Why move to cloud computing‘ it explained all the advantages of moving to the cloud and it’s all still pretty relevant. But the cloud is not the holy grail for every business. In fact for many it would not just be a bad idea to move everything to the cloud, it would be impossible.
So here are our top 5 reason your business shouldn’t move to the cloud.
Number 1: Bad Internet Connection
It may be 2024 and 97.8% of UK households have an internet connection. But internet connectivity is still one of the most common business IT problems. If you are going to put your whole business on the cloud then you MUST have a reliable internet connection. This normally means a leased line. We’ve explained what a leased line is, and how it outperforms broadband, in this article.
Number 2: Your Applications
The number 2 of our top 5 reasons your business shouldn’t move to the cloud is your Applications. You’ll be surprised with the amount of businesses that approach us wanting a cloud solution that have applications that simply don’t work on the cloud! This is most common when you’re running an older piece of software, or something bespoke. If you’re running more mainstream applications then most do have cloud versions. However, these may not perform in the same way as the on-premises software you are used to.
All of a sudden you’re in a situation where your move to the cloud also means moves to new software. This means data migration and staff training. Both of which add to number 3 in our list…..
Number 3: Costs
One of the often cited advantages of cloud computing is a reduction in cost. However, this isn’t always the case. You may not be shelling out a few thousand pounds for a new sever but you will be taking on increased monthly costs. The cloud don’t come for free! Also the initial cost of a move to the cloud can be significant.
It takes time and skill to undertake a data migration. This increases if your new solution doesn’t mirror exactly your old one. As mentioned above you may have to factor in new software, staff training, a new internet connection, possibly some cabling and suddenly you’re spending a lot more money that you thought.
You need to do a proper calculation of the costs over the lifetime of the different solutions on offer. You can easily spread the cost of a server over its lifetime through something like Hardware-As-A-Service if you prefer not to make a large capital purchase.
Number 4: Security
If you’re a small business the likelihood is that the cloud service provider is going to have better security than you. However, they might also be a more attractive target to hackers. But the biggest security risk of moving to the cloud is thinking that security is now someone else’s issue.
Microsoft 365 is a good example. Recent research by Barracuda Networks revealed that 40% of users believe that Microsoft provides everything they need to protect their data and software. While Microsoft 365 does offer some level of security, even Microsoft suggests using a third-party backup to ensure that data is fully protected and retrievable. Without it, organisations can be left prone to accidental data loss and even ransomware attacks.
You still need to ensure you have all your security ducks in a row. And it is YOUR responsibility not your cloud service provider.
Number 5: Is It Change For Changes Sake?
The last of our top 5 reasons your business shouldn’t move to the cloud is ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’. People generally don’t like change. Any IT Support Provider worth their salt will keep disruption to a minimum but if the move to a cloud system is not going to change things for the better then why do it at all?
Back in the days when websites were something shiny and new (yes we are THAT old) businesses would often say ‘I need a website.’ When asked why the response was ‘Because everyone else has one’. That’s not a good reason and it’s the same with cloud computing. If a move to a cloud solution will make the business more productive and efficient then it is absolutely the right thing to do. If it’s something the business is doing because it’s the latest ‘fashion’ it really, really isn’t!
5 Reasons Your Business Shouldn’t Move To The Cloud
Despite the 5 reasons your business shouldn’t move to the cloud we’ve given you there may be many other reasons why it’s a good idea. The best thing is to speak to a number of providers, who offer different solutions, and tell them what you want your systems to do. Let them come back to you with their solution and explain why they would work for you.
We don’t ‘competition bash’ here at Your IT, we’ve got a lot of respect for our fellow IT professionals. We do worry about approaching ‘cloud specialists’ unless you’re going to talk to generalists too. If you only approach cloud specialists then you’ll only get cloud solutions and they may brush over some of the issues above.
Once you’ve seen all the options, and compared the costs and upheaval you can settle on the solution that works best for you.
Like Our Help
We’ve installed numerous servers, undertaken many cloud migration projects and, more often than not, our cloud consultants provided hybrid solutions that give our clients the best of both worlds. If your server is coming up to replacement let’s arrange a call to talk through exactly what you want from your systems moving forward.
You can call us on 0115 8220200 anytime between 7am and 6.30pm. If you’d rather we call you, you can complete our Contact Form or you can schedule a time that suits you in our simple online calendar. We look forward to speaking to you.